"Enter the songs at your own risk..."
Stories of the WEST

Online album Moonpub Music

SCENE: Wagons Roll On
Any story about the WEST cannot do without the trails west. In this scene we see what any ordinary day meant for these people travelling west in their wagons and the hardships they had to go through. No, it's not like the clip on your left, which was only to promote the song on Youtube, but you can be sure the WAGONS ROLL ON scene is gonna be 4:22 minutes worth watching also. Coming up...
STORIES OF THE WEST is a suggestion (demo) for who knows a movie. But different then other movies it doesnt have a story with a proper beginning and proper end though. It wants to be a muscial movie, a collection of music clips if you like but with a concept and indeed sort of a storyline - so it may be considered a real movie after all...
You can listen to the soundtrack suggestions (demos) already on these pages and read the scenes (suggestions) for each song. So with a little imagination you might be able to see the movie already - with your mind's eye.
But movies ofcourse are close to impossible to realise. Could be STORIES OF THE WEST will never find it's theater, DVD or Netflix presentation. O well, there's always the music (demos) and the scenes suggestions - and your mind's eye to picture it a real movie already.
Have fun listening to the music and going through the
scenes. Contact Moonpub Music for your suggestions,
inquiries or comments. Thanks!!