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Cowboy and horse are on a dusty road. There are signs alongside the road. They passed one saying 1910 in previous scene already, and pass another sign along the road saying 1900 – (“The past is a foreign country they do things differently there” – get short quotes about the past to go with these signs!!)


NOTE: ITS’ HARD BEING HORSE is a song entirely sung by a horse!! That should also be the attraction of this scene. It should be clear that this is a scene about going back into time...


The Horse starts singing the chorus of song, and they pass yet another sign saying 1890 and another 1880 throughout the chorus at the start of the song with funny shots of cowboy and horse, and the horse singing into camera while carrying the cowboy.


The verses can be following the lines of the verses of the lyric. The heat and wind and rain shows the seasons, the horse is eating and sleeping standing up always, the food given to him by the cowboy, his master, and at night also standing up tied against a tree and staring at the moon - with lonely eyes...


And meanwhile they are still on this dusty road with it’s signs of the years. 


They pass another one 1870 and then have to wait at a crossroad for the cavalry to pass. The cavalry is a troop of all healthy and well-fed horses, big black proud stallions. And onwards they go again, into the sunset, untill the end of the verse and into the guitar solo played by the cowboy while riding towards a small little town in a valley where the dusty road is leading them.


TheY pass another sign 1850 and then ride into this little town, the horse still singing his chorus. The cowboy leads him to the town’s only saloon, he steps off his horse and ties him to a wooden rack – only meant for visitors of the saloon – and then at end of song walks into the saloon.


Last camera shots are the horse singing the last lines of song. 


"Being horse to a cowboy

Man, it's hard indeed"

It's Hard Being Horse - Moonpub Music
00:00 / 00:00

More  scenes will follow -  script ideas are still being  worked on

More  scenes will follow -  script ideas are still being  worked on

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