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This scene is part 1 of DEATH IS RIDING and doesn't have any songtitle to listen to. The song itself is a 6 minutes long story-telling song (hear part 2) so these parts make up a long scene of 10 minutes.


The screen turns dark again for a short moment after last scene shots of HARD BEING HORSE and the following notice appears:


“Meanwhile in the cabin, the old man is helping his son to drink some water…”


In the cabin the day is already getting somewhat darker, its’ close to evening it seems. The old man is holding a cup of water for his son to drink.- Yeah drink the water, will do you good. Not too greedy now, just a little sip for your thirst.


When finished the old man takes out a bottle from his pocket and takes some sips himself.- Cant’ see a man drinking without getting thirsty myself… Now you still wanna hear the rest of the stories?


A sudden breeze makes the door creak and go open.


SON: Please… close the door Dad, it feels cold
(the younger man is sweating and looking only
a few breaths away from his death)


The old man walks to the door and we get a glimp of the surrounding. It is windy and the evening is falling in. Theres’ already an impression of music or sound in the air which gets faded in more during rest of this cabin scene. There is a glimpse of a silhoutte of a man on a horse in the distance but the old man cant’ be sure, shakes his head in disbelieve, closes the door and walks back to the sickbed.


DAD: Theres’ a wind coming up, but don’t let it interrupt our story.

   Where were we?

SON: Theres’ a man on a black horse and he is carrying a scyte

DAD:- Ah yes, the legend of Sunny Hill…

SON: No I mean, there is really a man on a black horse,

   and he is round the house already…

DAD: Nah dont’ let the wind outside make your imagination run wild, son (a silhoutte    of a hooded man with a syte is seen walking pass the window, out of eye sight of      the old man). Let me continue the story, son, its’ a scary story though, you think you    can take it? Or perhaps another sip of water first? (reaches out to the cup of water    to help his son drink some more)

SON: No Dad, tell me… it”s okay… I am ready now…

DAD: Okay then (takes another sip of the bottle he carries in his pocket himself),
   there you go, now… once upon…


The door again opens because of the wind
and the old man walks to the door to close it.


DAD: (louder) a time…


There’s a rush into the next scene with the ticking of a giant clock like a countdown and a quick zoom to outside the door and the open fields, where Death is already riding his black horse and the music of DEATH IS RIDING sets in… Go to DEATH IS RIDING Part Two to hear the song and read the scene


More  scenes will follow -  script ideas are still being  worked on

More  scenes will follow -  script ideas are still being  worked on

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